Southern Crossroads (SoX), also known as Southern Light Rail (SLR), serves the Southeastern United States’ Research and Education community. A 501(c)3 organization, SoX provides high-speed, global connectivity, and other commodity services. SoX also serves as the Southeast connector to Internet2, ESnet, and other major U.S. and international research networks. SoX supports universities, K-12 education networks, federal agencies, government laboratories, and non-profit institutions that promote research in in the Southeast region of the U.S. Through its membership in The Quilt, SoX is able to offer low-cost internet bandwidth throughout the region with Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to its participants. SoX also provides additional value-added services.
An extension of initiatives to facilitate research dating back to the 1980s, SoX/SLR is managed through a research contract with the Office of Information Technology at Georgia Tech.